Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A burden, A Hope

"If we fail in this project, this would become the great loss to us. Failure in this project will not be compromised!"

A task to complete a project is a responsibilty you can never escape. It is a burden in a glance, but also a good chance that could change your life. The burden would be a lot heavier if the task to be completed is done by fewer people. Especially when the dateline doesn't seem so helpful. In my 4 years of experience as a software engineer, I have been so 'lucky' to have this kind of burden. Almost 80% of the project I involved done by maximum of 2 persons. My supervisor and me.

Despite of all the difficulties and hardships, there is always one thing that make us moving forward no matter what. It was (it is and it will) a HOPE. The HOPE to be better equipped with soft skill and hard skill. The HOPE to have better way to handle emotion in the hardest time. The HOPE to gain better way to solve critical problem in the limited time. It is the HOPE to be better in life.

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