Thursday, July 24, 2008

Are you a programmer?

When I was an IT student, I once heard one of my friend (actually I heard this from quite a few of them) saying "I hate programming...". and everybody knows what he tried to say was he hate LEARNING programming. Full stop.


Okay, now let do a little bit analysis on why there so many people out there especially those who're taking IT course in University not really 'love' to do programming. Actually worse, since all these people don't have any interest to learn programming. There are few possibilities why, one of them should be the the one that I would like to call king of all the root cause which is the ATTITUDE.

Attitude that matter

This is not a rocket science to prove that how attitude has shape people's life. I don't want to talk about Covey's 7 habit or Ziglar's Over the top or whatever books - let simply see ourselves. What we are today is actually the result of our attitude we posses yesterday. Sorry, no more beautiful words, come back to the programming issues just now. That's the attitude that build barrier to all these people to start learning programming (even they've already sat for number of programming exams, unfortunately they actually yet to start learning the thing - or at least open their mind for learning it). Why this thing happen? Here comes quite number of arguments.
One of them is "I can't see the benefit of learning this!". why you take this IT course at the first place? Maybe we got this in reply (maybe this quite obselete but at least it was happening to me :-0 ) ".....I know IT is about doing something with computers, but.."...okay done! that's your attitude, you're doing something that would shape your future without any prior information so that you can do the thing in much strategic ways and better ways and most importantly right ways. So because of this fault, now you're spending 4 years into something you don't have interest in it. How expensive it cost! What I'm trying to say is some of the IT students take the couse without any prior information that they are going to learn programming. It's like a person who want to be carpenter but don't know that he's gonna use hammer and nail.

It's just a tool

Good news that programming languages are just a tool to create a system. Just like hammer and nail to build a house. But tool is important. Without them, nothing will be produced. Since they are tools. So we're always welcome to use them. Keep on using them will give you expertise on handling them.

What we've to do now is to identify the tool we're gonna use. Of course, know it function always comes first so that we won't accidentally use wrong tool which produce bad result end up blaming that tool. There were Cobol, Pascal, C, C++ at the old days (they're still useful today) and new generation of JAVA and .NET at the present. Their goal is always one - to provide right tool for the right product.

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